Friday, February 25, 2011

Breast Implants & Exercising

Welcome! I will be blogging about my recovery process, experience, feelings, thoughts, and my journey back to exercising.

My name is Susan. I am a stay at home mother of 3 and fitness competitor. I have wanted implants since the birth of my second child but decided it would be in my best interest to wait until I am done having kids. I have heard through others experience having implants and birthing, the implants are no longer sitting high and some, have little to major sag (depends on your genetics). Many of you can relate to my story. After breast feeding 2 kids and with the my youngest I breast fed for little over a year  caused major fat loss in my breast. My self esteem lowered. I hate the way my breast look in clothing, swim suits, and any low cut shirts. I avoid looking in the mirror, I would become depressed with the thought of wearing sports bra, and it is difficult to find the bra that fits my deflated boobs.  I have a very supportive husband who does not mind how I look but it has effected my self esteem with my husband, too.

The decision to finally go through with the procedure was after giving birth to our third child, we have decided we're done expanding our family. Also, I waited til I finished breast feeding.
 FYI: If you are still breast feeding and wish to get implants after. I highly recommend waiting 1.5-2 months from the day you stop breast feeding just to make sure the milk is completely dried out and your breast is NOT engorged.

On Dec. 14, 2010, I had my Breast Augmentation. The procedure was through the areola, with an areola reduction, placed with a high profile 450cc silicone under the muscle. I chose to place it under the muscle through the areola  given it a slight lift. The reason I decided to go under the muscles is it gives you less chance of the ripple effect, a lower risk of capsule contracture, and best option for someone who intend to be very fit & tone w/low body fat.  

The purpose of this blog is to give you an insight of what to be expected after Breast Augmentation under the muscle when returning back to exercising. A week by week progress with your pectoral muscles by checking out the Back to Exercise tab. Plus, my Post-op recovery. Including fears, problems, and anything else I felt was alerting. 

PLEASE LEAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS, COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, OR CONCERNS. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A FOLLOWER/SUBSCRIBER TO COMMENT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. Sorry, I just realized I am unable to respond to comment or I don't know how to. Please in box me thru my FB Like page at