Back to Exercising

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1st week: Driving back home from surgery was torture. Every bump on the road, quick turns, and sudden stops, I was in pain because my natural reaction is to grip onto something from sliding over. When I reach over to the hand bar to catch myself, I am using my pectoral muscles and that my dear puts me in pain. Pain because I just went under the knife. So, I am warning you in advance. Make sure your driver is cautious, careful, and have them drive slow. I mean Grandma slow.

The first few days, I wasn't doing much. On the third day, I slowly started reaching for things. Still painful but trying to gradually work my muscles. That is all I was able to do the first week, reach.

2nd week: My Surgeon, Dr. Larry S. Nichter, gave me the okay to do light exercises. Exercises, such as: Walking the tread or riding the stationary bike for 15 minutes a day. However, despite of my passion in exercising, I am a real paranoid and mentally unstable individual when it comes to any problems that may arise. So, I decided to lay off any physical activities til I felt comfortable and no longer fear the possibility of delaying any healing. In addition, I spent a good amount of money to improve my physique and if I did anything to cause any problems I will never be able to forgive myself.

During this week, I felt the more I rest and relaxed my muscles the quicker I would recover. I, also, made sure I was stretching my major pectoral muscle to loosen and lengthening it due to shortening and tightening of the muscle from the little to any movement during the first 2 weeks. I recommend watching Rapid Return Exercises on You Tube for recommended stretches after BA from a PS.

3rd week: I continued performing stretches, such as: slowly reaching up to the ceiling as high as I can, spreading my arms out to the side as far as I can, shoulder rolls forward and backward slowly, extended arm circle forward and backwards (slow pace), and arm stretches. Performing these stretches 2x a day. 1 set of 10 reps each.

4th-5th week: I increase the sets to 2-3 and 10-15 reps. Don't over do it, if you don't feel comfortable, stop. After a couple of weeks performing these stretches. I can definitely feel it loosening up and getting easier. I noticed when I was performing the arm stretch, I felt something pulling/tugging right under my left boob. I asked my PS and he said it is normal, not to worry about it and it will eventually go away.

Summarize week 1-4, I pretty much took it light and easy
6th week: I started back doing strictly cardio. I walked the treadmill, cycle the stationary bike, and walked around my neighborhood. I tried to jog but it felt really weird and a little painful, so, I stopped. Weird feeling like I was carrying a sand bag in my bra. Other than that, I felt good being able to do cardio. During this period, I started to adjust my sleeping arrangement I had from the beginning of post-op. In the beginning of post-op, it is recommended that you sleep elevated up at 45 degrees. It makes it easier to get up, you are not using as much of your pectoralis muscle, and it was less painful to get up. From 6th week on, I would lower the elevation of my sleep until I was able to sleep completely flat on my back again. Remember, your muscle tissue aren't use to pressure, quick movement or there wasn't much usage for a couple of weeks, so, it takes time for your muscle tissues to get back to normal. 

7th week: I felt my body was not ready for any intense/strenuous workout and I have been waiting to begin this 10 week program (Booked called The IMPACT Body Plan by Todd Durkins). I started getting back to exercising with using light weights, bands and performing easy exercise movements. Performing 15 warm ups, 3-4 joint integrity, and 2-4 core conditioning from the program (see below this paragraph). I was able to perform most of the movements without any pain but a little discomfort with some of the movements because of the stretching of the muscle tissue. I, also, tried to do push up's, it was very difficult to do, painful and felt awkward.  Awkward feeling: I can feel my implants move outwards when contracting due to the implants being under the muscle. Where as, our natural breast tissue is above the muscle, so, our breast never moved. There is also a distortion feeling like a heavy sand bag that the weight of it is impossible for you to perform two push ups. It also, doesn't feel like a breast, it feels as though you are wearing a bra with implants in it. As if you can just take off your bra and toss it in your dresser.   To get back to doing push ups again,  I took baby steps. The 1st and 3rd day of week 7, it was painful but I was able to do one push up with my knees on the ground. Fifth day: I was able to do 3 push up with my knees on the ground, it was starting to get easy and less discomforting and painful. It is really helpful doing the pectoral stretches and wearing a really good sports bra, keeps the boob in place, ;).

Warm up- Jumping Jack, Squats, Lunges, carioca, hip swing, etc.
Joint Integrity- Dirty Dog, Super Cord External Rotation, Single leg Balance Reach-Forward, etc
Core- Planks, Hip-up, etc 

8th week: Today, is the day I begin my 10 week program which consist of 15 Dynamic Warm up, 2-4 Joint Integrity, 4 Core exercises, 9 strength workout and a Grand Finale Conditioning after the workout.YEAH!!!!!  This weeks program is done on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday is boot camp day, which is 3 different circuit training with no exercise equipment, the goal is to move fast and rest as little as possible. Time to get my hustle ON!

Strength training include- DB walking Lunge, Rack Row, DB Incline Bench Press, DB rolling Triceps Super-set, etc
Grand Finale: 2-3 sets of jogging on the treadmill for 30 seconds at a fast pace, then 30 seconds off.

I was able to do most of the exercises without any pain but a little discomfort when performing push ups. During core conditioning, there is a movement called Bicycle and Rotate, I did not perform this workout because I felt a very uncomfortable feeling in my boobs, like a tearing sensation on the bottom of my boobs and felt it was going to bottom out. Here is my exciting news, I am now able to do at least 6 push ups with knees on the ground. I was a little sore the following day but that was expected. Remember wear a good sports bra, so, your boobs will stay in place.=P

9th and 10th week: The program is pretty much the same. That being said, it is getting easier to perform the exercises without feeling any pain or discomfort. My body is adapting to these exercise/movements. The only changes this week is........EXCITING NEWS, I am now able to perform push up's without the knees on the ground but only halfway down, and I can do 8 push ups, YAY! I started back up doing the core conditioning exercise called Bicycle and Rotate, I was able to perform 4 reps with little discomfort. Progress =).

11th week: This weeks strength and core workout are more strenuous/intense. It still feels a little awkward doing push-ups. I can get a little more than half way down on the push up without knees, 8). I can perform at least 10-15 push ups, whoop whoop! The strength training this week included pull-ups, I was not able to perform this movement without assistance due to the discomfort feeling of tightening on the bottom of my boobs causing weakness in my arms. So, I used a super band to assist me on the pull ups, definitely helped. I want to mention, the following day after every workout, I can feel a warmth sensation in my boobs, I don't know what this mean but as long as I am not in pain. Right? =)

 12th week: I can pretty much perform most of the exercises without the feeling of discomfort, pain, or feeling like there is distortion. Push up's is the only exercise I still get the distortion feeling. I can pretty much perform it halfway without any problems. It is just a matter of time before I can start doing a full push up. I can now perform the core conditioning Bicycle and Rotate exercise til I get exhausted. I can feel my pectoral muscles are getting stronger and the implants does not bother me as much. I am getting use to the movement of the implants when I am using my pectoral muscles.

13th week: I would like to give you some examples of exercises I am now able to perform. Movements such as : Super Band Splitter, SB Upright Lateral, TRX Atomic Push-up, Bus Driver, Lizard Crawl, Push Up, DB Incline Bench Press, Bosu Plank to Stand, Bosu Push up, Dips, Medicine Ball Slam, and many more that uses pectoral muscles. I am able to perform all movements without pain or discomfort. I am at a point, I feel comfortable working out without any fear of hurting the implants. I am still lifting light, not too heavy just yet. Mainly due to focusing on reconditioning my body and preventing injuries from my prior history.

14th week: I am still struggling with a full push up and still feeling distortion when going down all the way. Will definitely keep you posted with my push up progress. Sorry =(, I just realized I haven't mentioned anything about running or jogging. Since 8 week post-op, I have been able to do light jog, at 14 week post-op I am able to run as fast &  as long as my body can go.

15th & 16th week: Guess what, guess what, guess what......I can do a full complete push up,=0. By now, I am able to perform every exercise and movement without any set backs. But, I am still careful and cautious when I am working out with quick movements because I am still in the healing process. I definitely do not want to cause any damage.

17th week: Nothing knew this week, which is great because no news is good news.

18th week: This whole time I have been positing and fail to explain to you why I do not do pull ups without assistance. When performing this exercise, I can feel a burning sensation under the boobs that makes it feel very, very uncomfortable. Maybe in time, I will do these again but as for now I will stick with pull ups with using the super bands for assistance.

I have completed my 10 week program this week. So, that pretty much tells you, getting back to your normal exercise regimen is possible.  I hope this shed some light for you.

19th week: I am re-doing the 10 week program this week. I feel my body is conditioned, can handle a strenuous workouts, it wont be a problem lifting heavy weights and I will begin baby steps wit pull ups. Lets get started!

Drummer Roll, please......... I was able to perform all the work out with heavy weights, a complete push up and pull up. The first day, trying to perform a pull up was difficult. It is not so much strength issues, it was a matter of overcoming the awkward feeling and fear of my boobs bottoming out. Once, I got pass the fear, it became easy. =)

20th week:  This week has been an incredible week for me. I am no longer doing the program but am being trained by my husband. Man, he really worked me this week. Have no worries ladies, you will get back into your normal daily workout routine and strength. Believe in YOU!!!

I hope after reading this blog, this will give you comfort in knowing that it is possible to get back into your normal workout regimen/routine.

I remember reading many blogs about questions on whether working the pectoral muscles will cause your implants to re-position, dropping or fall to the side. I have not notice any changes, separation in between  my breast, dropping or falling to the side. It still looks the same.

Good Luck!